Thursday, July 17, 2014

A free app you have got to try!

Yes you heard me...something for FREE!

My friend and partner in crime (well a friend with no crime), Lisa (who blogs over at A Woman A Day) showed me a great app for us quilters who don't even know what we have in our stash.  

Its called Fabric Stash and is the bees-knees. I spent about an hour and a half going thru my batik bin yesterday. I now know what every piece of fabric I have in there looks like and how much I have of each fabric. 

Isn't that nifty?

Besides keeping track of your fabric and quantity, you can add what the fabric is made of (cotton, wool, linen etc) and what type of fabric (batik, calico, fleece etc). Also where you purchased it, the date and price, and of course the name of the line, name of the fabric and the manufacture. But the coolest feature is that you can say where it is located in your stash! And of course all the fields are searchable. 

The best thing is that you get to feel and be surrounded by all you beautiful fabric, what quilter doesn't like that? 

Here's the link

I hope you have as much fun as I have with this app.

1 comment:

  1. Now this is cool. I just went and downloaded it myself. Thanks for the great find!


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